Ocean View High School give their Grade 12s a High dose of Motivation

Ocean View High School had a fantastic Motivational session for their Grade 12s post June Examinations

Grade 12s visualise and share their dreams of their future with one another

By 8h30 the Grade 12s had gathered in the hall and the excitement was visible. An NGO was invited by the school to facilitate a motivational session. Soon everybody was busy in their groups discussing their dreams. The animated expressions and the intensity of the exchanges showed that these young people were enjoying themselves. The Head of Grade, Andrew Saunders, stayed in the background, just making sure that all was well.

Two community speakers and entertainment by Cafda School of skills

During the second part of the programme, the learners were entertained by the newly-established jazz band of Cafda School of Skills. Two speakers, Adele Campbell, the SGB chairperson of Prince George Primary School and Elgan Fortune who works in the mayor's office were the keynote speakers. Taswell, the RCL chairperson, was the ideal programme director: his easy style and confidence matched the relaxed atmosphere that prevailed.

Cafda SOS Jazz band entertaining the Grade 11 and 12s

The central message to the learners was that they could achieve anything IF they really wanted to.  Both Elgan and Adele shared their personal experiences of rising above their circumstances and working tirelessly towards their dreams. Both speakers stressed that working towards your goals require hard work, sacrifice and a determination not to be distracted by temptations.  The interactive style of Elgan and Adele appealed to the learners who added their comments when encouraged to do so.

Snapshots of the receptive crowd. Bottom left: Keith Klein, Principal of Ocean View High School

Young people need to hear more good news

Ocean View High is on the right track. They understand that the learners need constant reminders that they have the power to achieve. This message of hope and encouragement should be our mantra, a push back strategy to drown out those negative images that pervade our young people's worlds.

School networking should be expanded

The wonder of the 2nd part of the Motivational programme is a collaborative effort between Ocean View High School, Cafda School of Skills and Prince George Primary School.  Without much fanfare, Lameez Rabbaney, sourced two speakers for the event, Astrid McClaughlin agreed to bring along her budding Jazz band and Ocean View High School arranged for the motivational workshop to balance the Self-Empowerment session for the learners.

This model of sharing needs to be explored as an option. Schools do not always have to fork out money to get motivational speakers. Often we have down-to-earth models in our communities who would love to share and help our youth; we just have to create a platform for them. And, schools build stronger bonds as they reach out to one another.

The Grade 12s of Ocean View High posing with their teachers and the keynote speakers


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