Blouvlei LSEN school goes oriental at their graduation

the staff of Blouvlei LSEN
Joshua (right), Ryan (next to Joshua) and Joshua's mom.


Regular readers will know that I am a diehard fan of Blouvlei LSEN school in Retreat. Tonight the 2013 graduation had an eastern theme. All the honored guests - the learners and their parents looked stunning in their eastern-nuanced outfits.



Tonight was another spectacular event. All the speakers reminded the learners and their parents that they are extraordinary human beings. Gideon, the Head of Department, usually the composed, witty Programme director, was visibly moved when he paid tribute to the learners, his heart was full. One could hear his disappointment and feel his hurt for the boy whose mom refused to allow him to attend the graduation. Gideon also shared the story of another graduate who, after many dark, stormy periods in his life, transformed into a dependable leader on whom his peers and teachers looked up to.


Maureen, Cordelis and Arthur

We listened to Joshua thanking the school and everybody who helped to shape his life since his arrival at Blouvlei at the tender age of 8. We were in awe of Ryan, another learner speaker, who thanked everybody and reminded us that it is only through grace that we have life. Fabulous



We are told that Joshua wants to continue his studies at an FET college - a stellar leap. Gideon, his teacher and 'Jossie's ' mother, believe he can succeed and hope Joshua is given another opportunity. Is this not an amazing story of faith, of believing in oneself?


Nick, my colleague played the saxophone, Maureen, the Head, affirmed all her learners and her staff and Arthur Cowley, underscored how precious the learners are. Then, against this harmonious backdrop of tributes, it was time to eat, socialise and build memorie.


Aaah... What a super way to end the day. I am so blessed to be in the company of fellow human beings who can help me chip at those raw edges....

The SMT of Blouvlei and I in this selfie.






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