Showcase of the disciplinary drill skills of the cadets at Steenberg-Lavender Hill Schools

The Drilling Squad competition of the Steenberg-Lavender Hill schools was held today on the sports field adjacent to Floreat Primary School.  SAPS, who run these drilling teams as their outreach programme to schools, organized this historic Steenberg-Lavender Hill Drilling competition.

The trophies for the various categories

The schools that participated were: Steenberg High School, Lavender Hill High School, Sibelius High School, Hillwood Primary School, Levana Primary School, Sullivan Primary School, Lourier Primary School and Delta Primary School.

SAPS members and two of our school heads, Hilton Palanyandi (Delta) and Noel Isaacs (Floreat)

All the cadets were well disciplined. It was fascinating to watch the young drill squad captains taking their squads through their paces. The camaraderie was amazing.

Delta Drill Squad was the overall winner.

Most of the schools won various awards for best drilling, best dressed, exhibition and march categories. Delta Primary was judged the overall winner after taking first and second prizes in most of the categories.

Well done to all the schools for the spectacular display of disciplined drilling. Thanks to SAPS -Steenberg,  for actively building stronger networks with the schools and for providing an important outlet for learners to learn skills and to build their self-esteem. 

Levana Drill Squad.
Sibelius High School Drill Squad
Steenberg High School Drill Squad.
Heads of the school who came out in support of their Drill Squad teams.


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