Three powerful video clips School Leaders can use for a Movie Festival for staff development

School leaders are always looking for interesting, meaningful ways to do professional development with their staffs. Having a mini film/ Youtube festival is a wonderful idea that you can explore if you have not held one yet. Create the scene by having large bowls of popcorn and juice. You can even print out customised cinema tickets and hand these out to your staff members. Select clips that will make up an hour or ninety minutes of viewing time. The breaks between the video screenings create ideal body breaks or quick exchanges about the message of the clip viewed .


Choose two or three video clips based on a theme to create a sense of cohesion. You may want people to share insights they have gained from the films after the festival. Get ideas from your staff on how you can host a film festival for the team. As a start, you may use these three video clips as part of your movie day.


I have selected three video clips to represent the theme: "Shiny Eyes. The theme has been inspired by Ben Zander's TED talk on the transformative power of classical music. Here is my selection.


The transformative power of classical music: Ben Zander



The clues to a great story: Andrew Stanton.



3. Every child needs a champion:Rita Pearson



I was tempted to provide short overviews of these powerful video clips, but that may be defeating the purpose. All I can say is that "Shiny Eyes" guide us to be authentic as we strive to grow as servant leaders.


Enjoy your film festival and do tell us how it worked for you and your staff. What are you doing to keep your staff engaged and inspired ?




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